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cheese making equipment
according to your own recipe!
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milk processing
Cheese production scheme: 1 - intake bath; 2 - pump; 3 - milk cleaner; 4 - cooler; 5 - tank; 6 - separator; 7 - pasteurization unit; 8 - cheese bath; 9 - molding device; 10 - cheese press; 11 - container for salting; 12 - salt pool; 13 - racks for ripening cheese.
There is no need to prove the importance of bacteriological analyzes of milk. If for some varieties, such as camembert and livaro, the clot of which has both rennet and sour-milk properties, milk with a large number of bacteria and slightly sour can be used, then cheeses with pronounced rennet (cantal and gruyere), on the contrary, require raw materials, absolutely clean from a bacteriological point of view. But during the processing period, there is always a loss of fat in serum.
The stronger the rennet properties of the future cheese, the more thoroughly the cheese maker should select the milk. In this case, one should pay attention not only to acidity, but also take into account the possible presence of certain bacteria that cause cheese defects, for example, oil bacteria and bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. To this end, it is recommended to periodically conduct reductase or resazurin samples and heat the milk in a water bath. In addition, in any case, care must be taken to ensure that there are no antibiotics in the milk.
If milk is pasteurized, then the treatment is carried out in devices without access to air (plate, tubular or drum pasteurizers). During pasteurization, it is recommended not to heat the milk above 75 ° C. Quick subsequent cooling is preferably carried out in a closed apparatus (plate or tubular) in order to avoid partial decomposition of calcium salts, which can occur if hot milk leaves the pasteurizer and flows into the irrigation cooling device. They do not cool the milk very much: it is enough to reach the temperature of milk coagulation by rennet, i.e. 14-32 ° С (depending on the type of cheese).
In almost all cases, coolant is simply cold water.
Even milk that has been pasteurized for a long time should add calcium chloride. Usually, if pasteurization is carried out correctly, 0.3 g of calcium chloride, which is introduced into the milk in the form of a hot aqueous solution, is sufficient for 1 liter. Due to its high hygroscopicity, calcium chloride must be stored in a dry place.
The neutralization of milk, which is too acidic for pasteurization, is most often carried out using milk of lime diluted previously with ordinary sulfuric acid. The neutralization technology is the same as for cream.
The electrical neutralization method can also be used with great success.
If milk is not pasteurized at the factory, neutralizing sour milk does not make any sense. The neutralization of lactic acid only masks the presence of large bacterial colonies, the development of which is stimulated by a decrease in acidity.
The control of milk pasteurization in cheese making has two objectives: checking a) the bacterial purity of milk and b) the absence of changes in its structure as a result of excessive heating. To implement this control, the combined use of phosphatase and peroxidase samples is recommended. The first test should give a negative result, the second - a positive one. If the exposure time is in the range from 40 to 60 seconds, this test indicates that the heating was carried out at a temperature of from 70 to 76 ° C.
The control of pasteurization of milk in the cheese itself is associated with great difficulties. Of course, a phosphatase test is always available, but this test must be carried out extremely carefully, as numerous works have shown, including Camus and Alifax. The surface flora of cheese, bacterial and fungal, releases phosphatases, which apparently diffuse slowly in the cheese mass during the ripening period. However, under normal maturity dates for soft cheeses, surface phosphatases do not appear to reach the center of the cheese dough. As for the production of cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating (such as gruyeres), there is a special case. During the first 3-4 weeks of ripening, the phosphatase content in the whole cheese mass increases, then it decreases so much that in insufficiently pasteurized cheese the presence of negative phosphatase can be detected after 5 or 6 months of storage. Some authors have hypothesized that cheese proteinases play a role in the slow disappearance of phosphatases by cleaving their protein or azyme enzyme base.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the results of the phosphatase test should not be given importance if it was carried out on old cheeses. In addition, it is very important to conduct a sample on a sample taken from the middle of the cheese.