Stainless steel water towers

The Windrose group of companies offers stainless steel water towers. 

Rozhnovsky's water towers are special facilities in the water supply system designed to regulate the pressure and flow rate of water in the water supply network, contributing to the creation of its supply, as well as aligning the work schedule of water pumping stations.

The main purpose of water towers is the accumulation of water to reduce the load on the water supply pump system. The most widely used are the water towers of the Rozhnovsky system.


The main standard projects of water towers of the Rozhnovsky stainless steel system:

♦ water tower tank capacity 15 m³ support height 12 m cost 360 t. UAH.

♦ water tower tank capacity 25 m³ support height 12 m cost 560 t. UAH.

♦ water tower tank capacity 25 m³ support height 15 m cost 610 t. UAH.

♦ water tower tank capacity 50 m³ support height 15 m cost 990 t. UAH.

♦ water tower tank capacity 50 m³ support height 18 m cost 1 million 89 t.

Unified water-pressure steel towers of the Rozhnovsky system standard design TP 901-5-29

designed for use in agricultural water supply systems, as well as

water pipes of small enterprises

Material of water towers of the Rozhnovsky TP 901-5-29 system - stainless steel

Execution type of water towers of Rozhnovsky TP 901-5-29 system - tank and support

A method of manufacturing water towers of Rozhnovsky TP 901-5-29 system - argon welding

The production of water towers has a number of features. First of all, this is due to the fact that the water storage tank is located at a certain height and the whole structure requires ensuring sufficient rigidity and reliability, because in addition to the weight of the structure itself, it is necessary to keep the weight of the water in it.
Water tanks and water tanks - are an integral part of water towers. Water tanks - the invention is quite ancient and at first their appearance was far from modern water towers, but always the principle was the same. For example, a water supply system in Ancient Rome - a pond was constructed near a source located on a hill, in which water accumulated and was supplied through aqueducts to the city water supply.

Archaeological excavations carried out on the territory of the former Soviet Union have revealed the remains of water pipelines in the Caucasus and Central Asia, in Russia and Ukraine. In the XVII century, the first pressurized water supply system appeared in the Moscow Kremlin. Water from the Moskva River was withdrawn by horse-drawn mechanism and, under pressure, was supplied to the tank on the tower, and from there it entered the building through pipes.
The water tower of the Rozhnovsky system was developed by engineer A.A. Rozhnovsky in 1936. Its main advantage at that time was the speed of installation, which was 2-4 days, the lack of the need for heating in the winter and the low cost of manufacturing compared to brick towers. These undeniable advantages at that time were a huge breakthrough in technology. For the invention of a water tower of this type in 1942, the engineer was awarded the Stalin Prize.

But Rozhnovsky A.A. was not the first to propose water towers of this design without heating. Engineer Zemskov P.I. in 1925, on the basis of multiple measurements of the water temperature in the railroad water towers in winter, he came to the conclusion that it was possible to create unheated towers, which contributed to significant savings. Zemskov P.I. established a certain regularity in the ratio of the volume of the accumulation tank of the water tower and the rate of change (inflow and outflow) of water in it, i.e. having received a number of principles that allowed to abandon the heating system of water towers in the winter.

Initially, the main use of water towers was found only on the railway for storing water supplies intended for steam locomotives, but since 1951 the towers found their application in agriculture, where they received many positive reviews during operation.

The water tower was often one of the first buildings in the construction of settlements, railway stations or industries, and later the rest of the infrastructure was built around it. Often, water towers built of brick or stone were part of the urban ensemble and were considered a true masterpiece of architecture. Some of them have survived to the present day, some of which perform their functions of accumulating water today, and some are converted for various needs.

Appearance, purpose and use of water towers of Rozhnovsky


The main purpose of the towers is to compensate for daily peak loads in the process of water consumption, fire water supply, water use for irrigation of crops, if necessary.

Currently, the towers of Rozhnovsky continue their work for the benefit of agriculture. They are still being sold and mounted despite the emergence of numerous new developments and inventions. Today, the water towers of the Rozhnovsky system have become an integral part of not only the rural landscape in Russia. Since the invention of the Rozhnovsky water tower, more than 400 thousand units have been installed.

Externally, water towers can be either a simple steel structure or a brick or reinforced concrete structure up to several tens of meters high, with an installed water tank at the very top. The volume of capacity depends on the size of the water supply, water consumption and ranges from a few cubic meters (in the case of small pipelines used for small enterprises or villages) to several thousand cubic meters (in the case of large pipelines used in big cities). The water tower has a simple design and consists of a tank or container for water, most often cylindrical in shape, and a supporting structure. The supporting structures are made mainly of steel, reinforced concrete, sometimes of brick, tanks - mainly of reinforced concrete and steel. Water towers are equipped with pipes for supplying and discharging water, overflow devices that automatically turn off the pumps that pump water to prevent overfilling of the tank, as well as a system for measuring the water level with the transmission of signals to the control room. Sometimes, a water tank, unlike a water tower, does not have a supporting structure, but is installed on elevated terrain. This method of storing water is most often used in mountainous or hilly areas. The role of the supporting structure for the reservoir is performed by the natural terrain, which allows you to supply water to the village or village. The number and volume of water tanks also varies from the level of consumption and the size of the water supply system.

Due to the fact that it is sometimes difficult to distribute water supply to a city from a single water tower, very often several water towers are installed for individual microdistricts or streets to evenly distribute water. This saves installation space and in case of accidents on the pipeline redistribute the water supply from other water towers.

The water tower operation diagram is shown in the figure below. The pumping station draws groundwater into the water tower, while in the process of pumping the water is disinfected and filtered, after which it goes directly to the tank installed on top of the water tower. From the water tower, water flows into residential buildings. As can be seen from the diagram, the water tank must be installed above the level of the last floor of a residential building, for normal water supply. Scheme of the water tower of Rozhnovsky

Very often, water tanks are used to store fire and emergency water supplies, which allows in case of fire or other emergency situations to do without electric pumps. T.O. the water tower of the Rozhnovsky system is an ideal option for fire water reserves in any conditions.

The principle of operation and the regulatory role of the water tower is that during hours of decreasing water consumption, excess water supplied by the pumping station accumulates in the water tower and is spent from it during hours of increased water consumption. A pump installed in the well supplies water to the reservoir of the water tower installed at the very top. When the water rises to the upper mark in the water tower, the level sensor instructs the well pump to shut off. Turning the pump on and off is done by the simplest automation, which does not require maintenance and control. As water is parsed from the tower along the highway, the surface level decreases, and when the mark is reached, the water level sensor is activated and turns on the pump to fill the water tank installed in the water tower. Thus, in the tower there is always a supply of water, determined by the volume of the tower from zero to the level of the upper level.

Design features of water towers of Rozhnovsky
The volume of the tank, the height and size of a suitable water supply depends on a number of factors, including the estimated water flow rate, type of well or depth of the aquifer. For autonomous water supply systems, various water supply schemes are currently used. Installation of a water tower is carried out in the following cases:

Uneven water flow during the day;
A large supply of water is required;
In cases with frequent power outages for electric pumps;
A large number of water consumers;
Although water towers have a number of drawbacks, they are all compensated by the ease and convenience of their maintenance, ease of installation and installation, as well as low price and fast installation speed in almost any location. But the most important advantage of the Rozhnovsky water tower is its high level of automation and the ability to remotely monitor its condition, which does not require the constant presence of a person to maintain it.

For example, in many villages and gardening associations water towers are used for centralized water supply, despite the cumbersome design, the water supply system is simple and highly reliable. For the normal functioning of such a water supply system, it does not require large expenditures and allows you to install an inexpensive high-performance domestic pump in the well, which does not require serious maintenance and any special operating conditions.


Production of water towers of Rozhnovsky


Our company produces various types of water towers of Rozhnovsky from steel with a tank volume of 10 cubic meters. on standard projects, as well as on individual projects according to customer conditions. All water towers are made according to customer requirements and are equipped with all necessary equipment (water pipes, service ladders, racks, columns, supporting structure, etc.) If necessary, we produce various supporting metal structures for installing tanks and water storage tanks, such as for drinking and technical, as well as for the installation of fire tanks. It is possible to manufacture as separate parts of a water tower (tank or tank, supporting structure, water supply, etc.).

Production of a water tower of Rozhnovsky. We produce “Rozhnovsky” water towers, which are a welded sheet construction and structurally consisting of a water tank (cylindrical storage tank with a conical bottom and roof) and a cylindrical support filled with water.


For the production of Rozhnovsky water towers, tanks and piping, we use exclusively new materials that have not been previously used, which complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards and allows us to use them in water systems for both people and animals without any restrictions.

Today it is not difficult to buy a water tower on the market. The production of water towers of Rozhnovsky is carried out both according to standard projects, and according to individual projects, taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Buying a water tower with all the requirements for a specific project today is not a problem! A wide assortment of towers is on sale in the metal market, both in capacity and size, and buying a water tower that is suitable in terms of performance is just a matter of choosing a manufacturer.

The choice of the height of the support and the volume of the storage tank
All pressure-regulating tanks perform the same function - compensating for mismatch of consumption and water supply at different hours. When the pump delivers the amount of water, and the serviced object consumes less water at this time, the difference enters the tank. This volume is supplied to the facility during hours when the intake exceeds the pump flow.

The calculation of the volume of the storage tank is based on a statistical analysis of water consumption for a given number of consumers. SNiP 2.04.02-84 *. Water supply. External networks and facilities.
The main factor determining the volume of the water tank and the height of its location is the schedule of water consumption by consumers, whom this system should serve. In most cases, accurate data cannot be determined due to the diversity and incompleteness of the input information.

Regardless of the choice of the pressure-regulating tank, the calculation of the height at which the bottom point of the tank should be located is the same and is performed after all hydraulic losses are determined on the way from the tank to the dictating point - a water taps located in the most adverse conditions, both in relation to geodetic marks (high geodetic marks), and in relation to distance from the source

Completion of water towers of Rozhnovsky
Recently, in connection with the increasing forest fires, for independent of the storage conditions of water reserves intended for fire fighting, the demand for water towers having some non-standard elements and sizes has increased. At the request of the Customer, we develop all non-standard elements of water towers and tanks, which increases the versatility of using our products in any conditions and for any operating conditions.

The delivery tower of the water tower includes:

hinges for lifting and installing the tower,
staircase with railing,
stretch marks 12 mm thick (4 pieces),
feed pipe
discharge pipe
inspection hatch: upper and lower,
ice brackets
internal staircase
Delivery of water towers is carried out both by road and by rail to anywhere in Ukraine.

You can find out about the production of water towers, prices and delivery conditions, or make an order for the water towers that you need, by phone. Our managers are always ready to help you in choosing the necessary capacitive equipment for your requirements.

Features of the use of water towers at low temperatures
The water tower of Rozhnovsky is used in various climatic conditions, including and at low temperatures. However, there are restrictions on the use of the design, which do not allow the use of water towers in certain conditions:

the calculated temperature in the winter should not be lower than minus 35 degrees Celsius;
100 kgf / m and less - acceptable snow mass;
38 kgf / m or less - possible wind pressure;
lack of groundwater;
6 points and below - permissible seismic activity in the area;
non-porous, non-subsiding soils, which are characterized by such a characteristic as “uniformity”.
Consideration of the limits of subzero temperature in a given area plays a decisive role in installing an FBG. So, for example, in areas of permafrost or zones of development of the karst process, the installation and operation of the water tower of Rozhnovsky is impossible.

Typically, a water tower does not require special means for warming; warming is provided not with expensive heaters or special work, but with the natural formation of a heat jacket.

With regular use of the tower, the water does not have time to freeze (according to the specification up to -40 degrees). If you do not use it often, additional “tents” made of wood, for example, which often slow down the freezing process, were often placed on these towers. In cases of using the Rozhnovsky water tower in the field, water should be removed from the water tower in winter to prevent freezing.

Installation of a water tower on a prepared site takes, as a rule, no more than 3 days.

Maintenance of water towers
Maintenance of the structure is assigned to the organization that uses the water tower, and actions during the occurrence of any malfunctions or malfunctions are the user's sole responsibility.

In the event of a system malfunction, it is necessary to immediately drain the water from the water tower and take measures to eliminate the malfunction.

The service life and occurrence of a malfunction depends on the operating conditions and the fulfillment of all technical requirements for operation.