Repair of tank trucks and tank containers made of steel and stainless steel


Our company, "", has many years of experience in the field of repair and maintenance of vehicles for the transportation of liquid and gaseous materials. We are proud of our reputation as a reliable and professional partner in the field of tank truck and tank container repair.

Our team of highly qualified specialists provides a full range of services in the repair of tank trucks and tank containers made of steel and stainless steel. We work with many different types of tanks including transporters, storage tanks, tankers and tank containers for different types of substances including chemicals, fuels, petroleum products and much more.


Our tank truck and tank container repair services include:


• Diagnosis and damage assessment: Our trained technicians carry out a detailed diagnosis of your tank truck or tank container to identify any damage and determine the necessary repairs.


• Repair and restoration: We carry out professional repair of tank trucks and tank containers made of both steel and stainless steel. Our team of experts has deep knowledge and experience in working with metal, which allows us to efficiently perform repair work of any level of complexity.


• Parts Replacement and Restoration: We have access to the high quality replacement parts and materials needed to replace or restore damaged tank truck and tank container parts. We guarantee the use of only reliable and certified materials that ensure the durability and safety of your equipment.


• Surface treatment: Our team carries out professional surface treatment of tank trucks and tank containers, including sandblasting, painting and protective coating. This not only improves the appearance of your equipment, but also protects it from corrosion and other negative factors.


• Testing and quality control: After the repair work is completed, we carry out mandatory testing and quality control to ensure that your tank truck or tank container is fully functional and meets all safety standards.


We understand the importance of efficiency and reliability in the field of transportation of liquid and gaseous materials. Therefore, we work quickly and efficiently, ensuring the quality of work at every stage.


If you need professional repair of tank trucks and tank containers made of steel and stainless steel, "" is a reliable partner for you. We guarantee high quality of work, use of reliable materials and compliance with all safety standards.


Contact us if you need the following services:


• Repair and maintenance of tank trucks for the transportation of liquid and gaseous materials.

• Repair of steel and stainless steel tank containers for storage of various types of substances.

• Replacement and restoration of damaged parts of tank trucks and tank containers.

• Surface treatment, including sandblasting, painting and protective coating.

• Testing and quality control after repair work is completed.


Our team of professionals is always ready to fulfill your tank truck and tank container repair needs. We understand the importance of safety, quality of work and efficiency and always strive to meet the needs of our customers.


Contact us today to learn more about our steel and stainless steel tank truck and tank container repair services. We will be happy to answer all your questions and provide advice on your needs. Trust us with your tank trucks and tank containers and get high-quality and reliable repairs!


Repair and maintenance of tank trucks for the transportation of liquid and gaseous materials


Our company, "", specializes in professional repair and maintenance of tank trucks for the transportation of liquid and gaseous materials. We understand the importance of the reliability and safety of your transportation equipment, which is why we offer a full range of repair and maintenance services, including diagnostics, repairs, preventive maintenance and technical support.


Our qualified specialists provide high-quality repair of tank trucks of any type and size. We have experience working with a variety of materials, including steel and stainless steel, and are able to effectively address any problem or damage.


Our tank truck repair and maintenance services include:


• Diagnostics and condition assessment: Our experts carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the tank truck, identifying potential problems and damages. We use modern technologies and equipment to ensure diagnostic accuracy.


• Repair and replacement of parts: Our team of professionals repairs and replaces damaged tank truck parts. We use only high-quality spare parts, which guarantees reliability and long-term operation of your equipment. We are able to deal with a wide range of problems including localized damage, corrosion, leaks, valve and distributor problems, electrical breakdowns and much more.


• Preventive maintenance: We offer regular preventive maintenance on tank trucks to keep them running smoothly and prevent potential problems from occurring. This includes cleaning, checking and adjusting systems, changing filters and oils, checking leaks and other preventive measures.


• Technical support: Our team is always ready to provide technical support and advice on the operation of tank trucks. We will help you solve any questions or problems that arise in the process of working with the equipment.


We understand that time is a valuable resource for our clients, so we work quickly and efficiently, adhering to established deadlines and quality standards. Our tank truck repair and maintenance services guarantee you uninterrupted equipment operation, reduced repair costs and increased service life.


Entrust us with your tank trucks for the transportation of liquid and gaseous materials, and we will ensure their reliability, efficiency and safety. Contact us today to learn more about our tank truck repair and maintenance services. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and provide individual recommendations for the repair and maintenance of your equipment. Make an advantage of reliability and professionalism by choosing "" for the repair and maintenance of tank trucks for the transportation of liquid and gas materials.


Contact us today to learn more about our services and discuss your tank truck repair and maintenance needs. We guarantee a professional approach, quality performance of work and satisfaction of your requirements. Make your transportation safe and smooth with ""!


Repair of steel and stainless steel tank containers for storage of various types of substances


At the company "" we specialize in the repair of steel and stainless steel tank containers, which are used to store various types of substances. We understand the importance of reliability and safety in the storage of valuable materials, which is why we offer high-quality repair and maintenance of tank containers to ensure their optimal performance.


Our team of experienced specialists is able to repair tank containers of any type and volume. We understand the different requirements and characteristics of different types of substances and provide repairs and maintenance to the highest quality standards.


Our tank container repair services include:


Diagnostics and condition assessment: Our experts carry out comprehensive diagnostics of tank containers, identifying potential problems and damage. We assess the condition of metal walls, valves, fittings and other components.


Repair and replacement of parts: Our team performs professional repair and replacement of damaged parts of tank containers. We use high-quality spare parts and materials that guarantee the reliability and durability of your equipment. We repair and replace valves, fittings, hermetic seals and other necessary parts.


Surface treatment: We perform surface treatment of steel and stainless steel tank containers, including sandblasting, painting and protective coating. This helps prevent corrosion and keep the metal in good condition for a long time.


Testing and Inspection: After repair work is completed, we test and inspect the tank containers to ensure they are functioning properly and are leak-proof. We adhere to all safety and quality standards to ensure reliable operation of your equipment.


Consultation and support: Our experts are always ready to provide advice on the maintenance and operation of tank containers. We will help you with recommendations for optimal use, maintenance and safety measures.


Our goal is to ensure the reliability, safety and long service life of your tank containers for the storage of various types of substances. Contact us for professional repair and maintenance of your equipment. We guarantee the quality of work and satisfaction of your requirements.


Replacement and restoration of damaged parts of tank cars and tank containers


At "" company, we understand that damage to parts of tank trucks and tank containers can occur over time or due to unforeseen circumstances. Our team of experts offers replacement and restoration services for damaged parts to restore optimal functionality and safety of your equipment.


Our replacement and restoration services include:


Damage detection: Our qualified technicians carry out a detailed inspection of tank trucks and tank containers to detect any damage and defects. We use modern diagnostic methods that allow us to accurately determine the condition of parts and areas that require replacement or restoration.


Replacement of parts: We provide replacement of damaged parts of tank cars and tank containers using high quality spare parts. Our team of experts has in-depth knowledge of metal processing and installation, ensuring that new parts are installed correctly for maximum reliability and efficiency.


Restoration of parts: In case of damage that can be restored, we offer restoration work. With the help of specialized methods and technologies, we restore damaged parts of tank trucks and tank containers to their optimal condition. Our specialists have experience in the restoration of various types of defects, including cracks, corrosion, surface wear and others.


Use of high-quality materials: We use only high-quality materials and spare parts for replacement and restoration of parts. This allows you to ensure maximum strength, durability and stability of your equipment.


Testing and Inspection: After parts are replaced or restored, we test and inspect them to ensure they function properly and are safe. We adhere to all safety and quality standards to ensure that your equipment is restored to optimal performance.


You can count on our team of professionals to provide effective replacement and restoration of damaged tank truck and tank container parts. We use the most modern technologies and methods to achieve optimal results.

Contact us today to discuss your parts replacement and restoration needs. We guarantee the quality of work and a high level of satisfaction of your requirements.


Surface treatment, including sandblasting, painting and protective coating


At, we understand the importance of high-quality surface treatment of tank trucks and tank containers to ensure their protection against corrosion, wear and contamination. We offer surface treatment services including sandblasting, painting and protective coating, ensuring reliable and long-lasting operation of your equipment.


Our surface treatment services include:

Піскоструйна обробка: Ми застосовуємо сучасну технологію піскоструйної обробки для ефективного видалення старого фарбування, ржавчини, забруднень та інших нерівностей з поверхонь автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків. Цей процес допомагає підготувати поверхню для подальшої обробки та забезпечує чистий і рівний шар для нанесення фарби або захисного покриття.
Фарбування: Ми пропонуємо професійне фарбування автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків з використанням високоякісних фарб та покриттів. Наша команда досвідчених фарбувальників виконає фарбування вашого обладнання відповідно до вашого вибору кольору та забезпечить рівномірне нанесення фарби, стійкість до зносу та корозії.
Захисне покриття: Для забезпечення додаткового захисту поверхонь автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків, ми пропонуємо захисне покриття. Це покриття створює бар'єр проти корозії, агресивних речовин та зовнішніх впливів, що можуть пошкодити ваше обладнання. Ми використовуємо високоякісні матеріали для покриття, які забезпечують тривалий захист та довговічність.
Реставрація зовнішнього вигляду: Крім захисту, ми також пропонуємо реставрацію зовнішнього вигляду автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків. Ми відновимо їх оригінальний вигляд шляхом видалення подряпин, ушкоджень та інших дефектів поверхонь. Ваше обладнання буде виглядати привабливо та професійно.

Our team of surface treatment experts has many years of experience in this field. We use modern equipment and methods to ensure high quality work and meet your requirements.


Contact us today to discuss your tank truck and tank container surface treatment needs. We guarantee a professional approach, quality work and satisfaction of your team.


Testing and quality control after repair work is completed


At the company "" we pay special attention to the quality of the performed repair works. After tank truck and tank container repairs are completed, we perform mandatory testing and quality control to ensure that your equipment is working properly and meeting all required standards.


Our testing and quality control services include:

Функціональне тестування: Ми перевіряємо роботу всіх систем і компонентів автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків, щоб забезпечити їх належне функціонування. Це включає перевірку роботи клапанів, розсікачів, системи навантаження та розвантаження, системи вимірювання та контролю, електричних компонентів та інших важливих елементів.
Випробування герметичності: Ми перевіряємо герметичність автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків, щоб упевнитися, що вони не мають протікань або витоків. Використовуючи спеціальні методи та обладнання, ми проводимо тискові та вакуумні тести для перевірки інтегритету вашого обладнання.
Вимірювання та калібрування: Ми виконуємо вимірювання та калібрування систем вимірювання та контролю в автоцистернах та контейнерах-танках, щоб забезпечити точність і надійність вимірювань.
Випробування безпеки: Ми проводимо випробування безпеки, щоб переконатися, що ваше обладнання відповідає всім необхідним стандартам безпеки. Це включає перевірку ефективності систем пожежогасіння, системи вентиляції та вентиляційних клапанів, системи аварійного вимкнення, системи захисту від перевантаження та інших важливих аспектів безпеки.
Перевірка відповідності стандартам: Ми перевіряємо, чи відповідає ваше обладнання автоцистерн та контейнерів-танків відповідним стандартам і нормативам. Ми пильно стежимо за всіма оновленнями та вимогами у сфері безпеки, які стосуються роботи з цистернами та контейнерами, і переконуємося, що ваше обладнання відповідає всім потрібним вимогам.

We strive to ensure that your tank trucks and tank containers are safe, reliable and meet all the necessary quality standards. After the repair work is completed, we guarantee that your equipment will pass all the necessary tests, inspections and quality control.

Contact us today to discuss your repair and quality control needs. We strive to achieve high quality standards and meet your requirements.