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Modern energy-saving technologies for enterprises
Powerful energy complexes are used to service industrial, agricultural, and construction enterprises. Almost 80% of all energy produced in the country is spent at enterprises. It is the costs of thermal and electrical energy that become one of the main cost items.
They can be reduced if energy-saving technologies are introduced at the enterprise. They imply the improvement of equipment, as well as the use of high-precision instrumentation. Instrumentation is always selected taking into account the specifics of an industrial facility. So, for enterprises of the heat and power and oil industries, devices with a high degree of protection against external influences are used.
Popular ways to save money: main directions:
⬥ Replacing equipment with energy-saving ones, from lamps to heat exchangers and variable frequency motors.
⬥ Increasing productivity in the power generation process: for example, installing condensing equipment.
⬥ Launching projects on "ecological" alternative energy (sun, water, wind).
⬥ Monitor consumed resources and launch control systems.
The conducted studies and the collected statistical data claim that 90% of energy losses are associated with irrational consumption, but only up to 10% is lost in the process of transportation and transmission. Therefore, the main directions in energy-saving technologies are connected precisely with the optimization of the use of heat and electricity. All such activities have their own payback period: specialists can easily calculate the economic feasibility of introducing certain processes or acquiring new equipment.
Technical measures:
⬥ installation of metering units, flow meters: allows you to identify implicit losses and reduce costs by 20-30%;
⬥ installation of small boiler houses for needs remote from the central highway, areas: helps to eliminate heat losses during transportation;
⬥ introduction of a frequency control system for electric motors in the ventilation, pumping system, for other facilities operating without a constant load;
⬥ installation of starting relays for lamps and replacement of obsolete lamps with energy-saving ones;
⬥ obtaining energy by processing secondary raw materials directly at the production site (thus reducing its cost by almost 4 times);
⬥ thermal insulation of the room;
⬥ installation and launch of solar panels;
⬥ use of organic fuel in boiler houses.
Also, do not forget about the scheduled inspection and repair of all pipelines, cable networks and other elements of engineering systems, which reduces losses. In addition, gas, water and electricity supply systems must be equipped with modern highly sensitive regulators and metering devices. These are the measures that are actively implemented in modern enterprises.
On our website you can find:
⬥ solar power plants;
⬥ recuperation systems of refrigeration units;