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Tent type hangar
Hangars also considered the type of tent arch, which are based on hexagonal arch. Its peculiarity is that it is not smoothly curved arc, and established direct beams rolled in the form of an arch. It is very convenient for the construction of warehouse and industrial premises. The most popular type of tent hangars got in agriculture as barns, piggeries, poultry houses, etc., as well as a warehouse for grain, vegetables and fruits.
Our company Windrose creates and installs prefabricated structures - sheds tent type. These structures can save time and money for the construction of traditional fixed premises. When others are just constructing the necessary facilities - you have to work and earn. Construction of prefabricated hangar on the project until the delivery of "turnkey" takes only 1 month, while the brick-built concrete room 3-4 months.
The length of the hangar tent type depends on the necessities of the customer and is made with the help of flat structural elements in increments of 3 m. We, Windrose, hangars do any length depending on customer needs. Any design is always produced by us meet all the standards and requirements and made with high reliability and long service life.
Also, there are two types of tent hangars of this type:
Outdoor sheds are mounted directly on the ground, the floor may be strictly horizontal or inclined - depending on the need.
Hopper hangars divided into compartments. Floors, they may be inclined or tapered.
Windrose makes type tent hangars warm and cold. Provided and the average option - poluteplye. In cold hangar roof and walls made of profiled metal sheet. In the warm and poluteplyh hangars makes the design a "sandwich", that is, between the two profiled metal sheets stacked a special insulation. For insulation of hangars, we use several types of material. This can be expanded polystyrene (EPS), polyurethane foam (PUF), ekoizol or mineral wool. Insulation customer chooses. In the warm hangar can also install a small heat source - and in the hangar will constantly maintain a comfortable temperature even during the harsh winter.
Build structures tent hangars is very simple and accessible, it does not require special qualifications fitter team and, if desired, can be made by the client themselves. If circumstances require, the structure can be dismantled and transported to another place, without receiving any damage to the appearance or loss of function. Mobility construction of the hangar-type tent is its undeniable advantage.
All the qualities of the hangar (size, presence of insulation, installation, etc.) negotiated with the client in advance when ordering. We have the most popular projects tent hangars. But if you need an individual project, our team of experienced engineers will give you a project with all the necessary requirements. We can, at your request, to cover the zinc surface structures.
We are always ready to discuss any project with the client and make a tent hangar, which he needed. We have great experience and excellent qualified professionals who are able to solve the challenges. We guarantee high quality and reliability made us hangars. A reasonable price and excellent service like the most fastidious customers.