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The ducts constitute a special system of metallic pipe serving to distribute thereon the incoming fresh air and exhaust of exhaust air. Served and air is drawn by a fan. Sometimes in ventilation duct systems are used for cleaning, heating or cooling air.
Air stainless steel experts recognized the most wear-resistant. Their lifetime is several times the same ducts made of galvanized steel, and black.
Our company can offer you development and manufacture of air ducts of stainless steel as a by your own drawings and drawings of our design engineers highly qualified personnel. We produce stainless steel ducts from 0.5 mm to 6 mm.
Ducts made of stainless steel used in many areas: for ventilation equipment cottages, bars and restaurants, clubs, offices and apartments. Also popular stainless steel ducts in industrial premises. Air from the "stainless steel" proven themselves as the flues and as part of the removal of smoke from the room.
On request we can produce air ducts round or rectangular cross-section.
· More stringent and therefore considered robust circular ducts. The cost of a round duct lower because their manufacture requires 25% less metal. Also ducts with circular section practically create drag.
· Rectangular ducts have several advantages: they are most suited to applications that require large and very large area in cross-section, or when the installation is carried out in difficult conditions.
We propose ducts of stainless steel, as they have the highest resistance characteristics of the metal. It is known that the main advantage of "Stainless Steel" is its nonsusceptibility corrosion resistance to humidity and corrosive fumes of acids and alkalis.
Due to the high skills of our craftsmen, we guarantee excellent quality and integrity rebate ducts, so there are no air leaks and pressure losses in the construction, as well as reduced noise characteristics.
For successful operation of air ducts is crucial proper installation of all the elements. In our production, we guarantee high quality and excellent service, because we value our good name and my clients! The ducts constitute a special system of metallic pipe serving to distribute thereon the incoming fresh air and exhaust of exhaust air. Served and air is drawn by a fan. Sometimes in ventilation duct systems are used for cleaning, heating or cooling air.
Air stainless steel experts recognized the most wear-resistant. Their lifetime is several times the same ducts made of galvanized steel, and black.
Our company can offer you development and manufacture of air ducts of stainless steel as a by your own drawings and drawings of our design engineers highly qualified personnel.
Ducts made of stainless steel used in many areas: for ventilation equipment cottages, bars and restaurants, clubs, offices and apartments. Also popular stainless steel ducts in industrial premises. Air from the "stainless steel" proven themselves as the flues and as part of the removal of smoke from the room.
On request we can produce air ducts round or rectangular cross-section.
· More stringent and therefore considered robust circular ducts. The cost of a round duct lower because their manufacture requires 25% less metal. Also ducts with circular section practically create drag.
· Rectangular ducts have several advantages: they are most suited to applications that require large and very large area in cross-section, or when the installation is carried out in difficult conditions.
We propose ducts of stainless steel, as they have the highest resistance characteristics of the metal. It is known that the main advantage of "Stainless Steel" is its nonsusceptibility corrosion resistance to humidity and corrosive fumes of acids and alkalis.
Due to the high skills of our craftsmen, we guarantee excellent quality of welds and duct leaks, so there are no air leaks and pressure losses in the construction, as well as reduced noise characteristics. Our company has an opportunity to make the ducts from 100 mm to 3000 mm and stainless steel flanges.
For successful operation of air ducts is crucial proper installation of all the elements. In our production, we guarantee high quality and excellent service, because we value their good name and their customers.